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Archive for March, 2008

How-to guide to saving Zimbabwe!

Posted On: March 31, 2008

I’m no political analyst, so my views are to be treated as exactly that, my views! This past [...]

Google extends its reach towards a fully fledged OS!

Posted On: March 31, 2008

It’s not new news that Google has been speculated to be slowly entering the OS market, and recently [...]

Robert Mugabe steers his ship!

Posted On: March 31, 2008


Petrol price on the up again!

Posted On: March 31, 2008

So we have all been expecting it. Don’t act surprised as you read this, because we were all [...] for a cheap trip!

Posted On: March 31, 2008

Like most people my age, I have this dream of traveling the world before I get too old [...]

South Africa’s response to electricity crisis!

Posted On: March 31, 2008

I’m sorry, I should be more positive about things, but this was just too funny to let it [...]

South Africa gets a drivers licence points system!

Posted On: March 31, 2008

The much anticipated and talked about points system for drivers license is set to roll out by the [...]

Ford simplifies car shopping again!

Posted On: March 30, 2008

I’ve recently bought a new car and being the internet addict that I am, I did quite abit [...]

Apartheid today: the white man blaming the black man!

Posted On: March 30, 2008

I’ve very recently been sucked into a topic that I would usually avoid, but I feel so strongly [...]

Zimbabwe votes!

Posted On: March 29, 2008

If you don’t know about the recent happenings in Zimbabwe and it’s HILARIOUS path into economic melt down, [...]