Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014

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Archive for August, 2008 HACKED!

Posted On: August 29, 2008 has been hacked this morning! [...]

Blogger steps up!

Posted On: August 15, 2008

Blogger seems to be doing some work on their usability. They have just launched a new Dashboard and [...]

Must watch video!

Posted On: August 15, 2008

This is a fairly old video, but some of the facts in here might encourage thought! [...]

Bush wishes Mandela for his 90th Birthday!

Posted On: August 12, 2008

I know, I know… this article is late… but its STILL funny Please Click on the image if [...]

Twitter is down – Mein Fuhrer! – Hilarious!!!

Posted On: August 08, 2008

This is the funniest video that I have seen a long time! If this offends you, oops! But [...]

Today is special – 08/08/08!

Posted On: August 07, 2008

Today is downright special day! The date is made up of two digits that are each written in [...]

World’s sexiest car is even sexier topless!

Posted On: August 07, 2008

The Bugatti Veyron is among the most exclusive cars in the world, a 1,000-horsepower super exotic owned by [...]

How to win at Rock Paper Scissors!

Posted On: August 07, 2008

Rock Paper Scissors (RPS) is probably the most used method of solving a deadlocked negotiation. It’s the only [...]

Flickr founder has a new startup – Hunch!

Posted On: August 07, 2008

Caterina Fake, who co-founded Flickr along with her husband Stewart Butterfield in 2004, has announced her plans to [...]