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Today is special – 08/08/08!

Written By: DChetty


August 7, 2008


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Today is downright special day!

The date is made up of two digits that are each written in one single motion of the pen. Closed symbols representing eternity are brought together to form this very lucky date.

The Chinese have realised this and for this reason the Olympic’s Opening Ceremony will be held today.

As an example of the good luck that this date could bring you, my angel is having an absolutely fabulous day:

  • She just received her grades for her Master’s degree and she kicked ass!
  • She just started a new post at her countries embassy in China today!
  • She is gonna attend the 2008 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony in Beijing today!

If that isn’t a good streak…then I’m honestly lost for words! Nice one Loabs :)

I love you baby! Congratulations and good luck!

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About Author


Dee Chetty is a South Africa- and India-educated web junkie. Focusing on strategy and new developments, Dee finds himself pushing the limits of innovation with his ideas. Dee loves open-source, mobile technologies and location-driven applications. He is an Apple fanboy & a die-hard Audi fan.

(2) Readers Comments

  1. Island Chic
    August 29, 2008 at 4:01 am

    Awww. Thanks Babe :-) It really was a great day. I could think of one more thing that could have made it better though!

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