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South African Petrol Price Drops!

Written By: DChetty


November 4, 2008


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At midnight tonight, the petrol price in South Africa will be dropping for the 4th consecutive month now!

Dropping by a huge 45cents, this is a welcomed relief for the economy and highlights the strength of our economy and the ability for our markets to fight off further inflation!

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About Author


Dee Chetty is a South Africa- and India-educated web junkie. Focusing on strategy and new developments, Dee finds himself pushing the limits of innovation with his ideas. Dee loves open-source, mobile technologies and location-driven applications. He is an Apple fanboy & a die-hard Audi fan.

(1) Reader Comment

  1. angel
    November 8, 2008 at 12:56 pm

    and they'll probably drop it one more time before putting it up for 6 months in a row!

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