Sunday, Feb. 23, 2014

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Archive for February, 2009

Cellphone banking – The ABSA achievement!

Posted On: February 28, 2009

ABSA cellphone banking hits a milestone achievement worth being proud of! [...]

Top 100 Comedy Twitters!

Posted On: February 28, 2009

A compilation of some of the funniest twitters around! [...]

Everything’s amazing, nobody’s happy!

Posted On: February 26, 2009


SAA crew suffer from withdrawal symptoms!

Posted On: February 26, 2009

The SAA drug scandals seem to have all SAA crew edgy... withdrawal symptoms? [...]

Audi TT RS – Car Porn!

Posted On: February 25, 2009

It's highly possible that this is by far the sexiest car of our time. The longer I stare [...]

Obama on his own with this one!

Posted On: February 24, 2009


Cellphone charger standard decided: Mini USB!

Posted On: February 24, 2009

Imagine a time when everyone used the same cellphone charger. Now close your eyes and by the time [...]

Black is in, Michael regrets decisions!

Posted On: February 22, 2009

Being black is definitely trendy lately. [...]

All cellphones to get a universal charger!

Posted On: February 22, 2009

Handset manufacturers agree to a common standard for cellphone chargers. [...]

I’m blogging again!

Posted On: February 22, 2009

So after a few weeks, ok ok, its been months, of not posting anything substantial, I humbly apologise [...]