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Cellphone charger standard decided: Mini USB!

Written By: DChetty


February 24, 2009


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So, yesterday during my return to blogging, I reported that the folks over at the World Mobile Congress in Barcelona 2009, had all agreed to standardise the chargers on handsets. Well, today, its official that the new standard will indeed be ol’ faithful, Mini USB.

I guess that with Mini USB being around for a while on many smarter phones, and with it powering many a fancy digital camera, its a no-brainer that it will be good enough for any handset. I’m excited, because I was pretty damn dissapointed when I realised that the mini USB port on my Nokia E71 didn’t support power transfer, but only did data.

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Dee Chetty is a South Africa- and India-educated web junkie. Focusing on strategy and new developments, Dee finds himself pushing the limits of innovation with his ideas. Dee loves open-source, mobile technologies and location-driven applications. He is an Apple fanboy & a die-hard Audi fan.

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