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BMW Owner’s Club!

Written By: DChetty


May 30, 2009


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I have always expressed my distaste for BMW’s and their drivers. This image is of a BMW 530d sums up my opinion of it’s drivers perfectly!

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Dee Chetty is a South Africa- and India-educated web junkie. Focusing on strategy and new developments, Dee finds himself pushing the limits of innovation with his ideas. Dee loves open-source, mobile technologies and location-driven applications. He is an Apple fanboy & a die-hard Audi fan.

(9) Readers Comments

  1. Byron Rode
    May 30, 2009 at 10:38 am

    Hahahaha - I have seen this before, and I couldn't agree more! :)

  2. Johann du Plessis
    May 30, 2009 at 3:45 pm

    I object! :P To quote Jeremy Clarkson, "The cocks have all sold their BMW's, and have bought Audi's". Also:

  3. DChetty
    May 31, 2009 at 4:42 am

    @Byron - :) @Johann - I beg to differ! In SA, BMW drivers are still exactly that! A lot of them are buying Audi's now and it boils my blood to see my brand of choice being ripped through the mud! What can I do though?

  4. Johann du Plessis
    May 31, 2009 at 5:02 am

    @DChetty - Hehe I hear your pain. I don't know how things are in Cape Town, but in Gauteng especially Audi A3's are driven by idiots. I've been embarrassed for many years to be a BMW fan, and all I can do is set the right example. I still cringe when I see another BMW driver do something stupid.

  5. DChetty
    May 31, 2009 at 5:19 am

    @Johann - In CPT Audi's are still driven by respectful, dignified, well-mannered drivers! BMW drivers & Corsa Bakkie drivers are still the roaches of our roads!

  6. Martin van Drunick
    July 3, 2009 at 7:39 pm

    Ya. Ek was actually op soek na n badge om n pal te wys. ek hier kry ek hom klaar om ge draai. Well done

  7. Car Spare Man
    July 22, 2009 at 8:29 am

    Couldnt agree more, 530 d BMW drivers seem to love to violently swerve in and out of Gautengs snail pace traffic to gain 30 seconds!!!!!!

  8. bmw.
    August 21, 2009 at 12:28 pm

    Mmmm, that's really old - i believe that picture was taken in the early 2000's already. Also, this car has won more awards than any other bmw, esp the e39. It's safe and fuel efficient. A good all rounder with enough boot space for your 10 subs. Have you ever even sat in one? Oh right, you'd be a "poes". Grow up, please.

  9. Paul
    January 4, 2011 at 9:49 am

    Ha ha! I remember hearing a year ago that one of the Beemer model's badges spelled "Poes" when rotated and only saw my first 530d in the traffic last week, and a few since. I have yet to encounter a considerate BMW driver who follows the law. The worst offenders in Durban though, are little people in giant 4x4 Land Rovers

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