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Tips you probably didn’t know about the Nokia N97!

Written By: DChetty


September 25, 2009


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I have been using the Nokia N97 for a few months now and being one of the world’s first 97 users of the flagship Nokia way back in June this year, does give me a slight advantage over the rest of N97 users who only have access to the device for a few weeks now.

I have collated a few things that I have picked up on while using the device that are not listed in the manuals.


If you hold the menu button down for a short while, a taskbar will be displayed listing all open applications. By pressing on the icon of one of these applications for a second or two, you will open the option to exit the application or open the application directly from the taskbar without having to go into the application. This is very handy when your device becomes sluggish and you need to close apps quickly to free up resources.

Browser Launch:

By pressing the zero ’0′ button on the QWERTY for a short while, the web browser is launched. I have tried to find the setting for this to see if I can change teh shortcut, but it seems that a user can only change shortcuts for the touchscreen interface.

Text Accents:

To access accents while typing any text, simply hold down the SYM button and press the character that requires the accent. By default this is limited to c, n, a, e, i, o and u, and these are the ony characters that require accents.

Voice Commands:

Press the green button or the shortcut key on the right from the homescreen for a short while (long press) to launch the voice commands feature. Simply say the name of a contact, a profile name or the name of an application. I must admit that I have not played with this much and don’t have a full understanding of all teh voice commands that can be used.

Activity Summary:

By touching the top right hand corner of the screen near the battery, a small summary with links to the relevant features are displayed. This will include all data connections, the time, unread messages or missed calls.

If you know of any that are not mentioned above, please feel free to list them in the comments!

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Dee Chetty is a South Africa- and India-educated web junkie. Focusing on strategy and new developments, Dee finds himself pushing the limits of innovation with his ideas. Dee loves open-source, mobile technologies and location-driven applications. He is an Apple fanboy & a die-hard Audi fan.

(2) Readers Comments

  1. Vinu Thomas
    September 25, 2009 at 5:08 am

    Great tips - thanks for sharing them.

  2. Pingback: Nokia N97 tips and tricks | iMod

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