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Ask Bob Skinstad about Bobs For Good!

Written By: DChetty


February 18, 2010


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So if you haven’t heard yet, Bob Skinstad is currently running a campaign to raise cash to buy school shoes for underprivileged kids in South Africa. He has been locked up in a cell in the Waterfront since Monday to generate awareness of his campaign.

I met with him late yesterday to deliver his Urban Khana dinner and to chat to him about his campaign. The biggest realisation of our conversation, is that this guy is genuine. He truly does believe in his campaign and is very passionate about his cause. I must admit, that before actually meeting with him, I was expecting him to be a jock and doing this campaign purely for the PR value, but I was pleasently surprised that he is a real nice guy with a warm genuine smile trying to raise awareness for a cause that is dear to him. In my time in the cell with him yesterday, he chatted to everyone that made a donation, posed with the kids for photographs and was generally very welcoming to explain his cause, say hi to his fans and just have general chat to passing traffic. Kudos to him for efforts so far and for leveraging his very well established brand to assist in a good cause.

After I posted a tweet yesterday saying that I met with him, to which I received a questioning tweet from @deanoelsch that asked, “are shoes more important than education, food and water though?”

I think that it is a good question and should be answered by Bob Skinstad himself, so heres the deal:

Leave your questions in the comments section of this post and I will get Bob to answer them all. Use this as an opportunity to find out more about the campaign or about Bob. Try to keep it above the belt and nothing TOO personal. Remember that this is a dude with a heart and he is trying to help, unless you are doing something better to make a difference, I would be easy on the criticism.

So there you have it, a promise from me that Bob will answer your questions right here!

Here are a few photos that I took while I was visiting yesterday:

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Dee Chetty is a South Africa- and India-educated web junkie. Focusing on strategy and new developments, Dee finds himself pushing the limits of innovation with his ideas. Dee loves open-source, mobile technologies and location-driven applications. He is an Apple fanboy & a die-hard Audi fan.

(10) Readers Comments

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  2. JP
    February 19, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    Bob, why school shoes? Why not medicine or food? Who do you think will play in the SUPER 14 final and who are you betting on to win?

  3. Sandy Bailey
    February 20, 2010 at 1:44 am

    Shoes are about self respect. Bob's got a good point! Food is important but if you are barefoot and everybody else has shoes it's hard to pick yourself up and improve!! Well done Bob!

  4. WesZA
    February 20, 2010 at 2:57 am

    I agree with Sandy, I think shoes are important and there are lots of other charity organisations around that deal with other causes. Bob can't save the world, but a small difference to small segment of the world is a big help. I'd like to know from Bob, how did you manage to stay smiling all the time? I read on 2Oceansvibe about the cleaners and the weirdos. How many times did you have to tell yourself that klapping this oke won't help? What was the weirdest, best and worst experiences of the entire campaign? I think that you are doing a great job! Good luck bro!

  5. DChetty
    February 20, 2010 at 3:04 am

    Hey guys, YOu are all new readers, welcome and big up for the comments! :) @JP, I think that Sandy is right. I had asked the same question to Bob while I was in the cage with him and that was his answer. I'll get him to come in and explain it to you better though. My money is on the Stormers this year :P Who are you betting on? @Sandy, Thanks for supporting BobsForGood and believing in the campaign. I am sure that Bob appreciates it! @WesZA - Awesome to have you on my blog dude. I'll ask Bob to answer your questions. I must admit that I was pretty amazed at Bob's patience too. The guy was always smiling, taking photos with the kids and being charming all around. It must have been particularly tough because it was open air and all day long! Keep the questions coming guys! :)

  6. J Scheepers
    February 20, 2010 at 3:49 am

    This is not the first time that someone did this. A few years ago, a guy locked himself up in a cage in Canal Walk. It was a good idea then, this is just copying him. I think that guy was raising money for autism research. I'm glad that Bob is making an effort though and he could have encouraged his other friends in rugby to join him.

  7. Liz Palmer
    February 20, 2010 at 4:08 am

    Great effort from Bob, where does this go from here> ? The potential for someone with such influence and profile could be limitless. (The comment about his rugby mates is just the beginning. I watch this one with interest.

  8. aubrey robinson
    March 10, 2010 at 6:34 am

    Hi Bob ! I support your campaign and think that this is a wonderful way of saying that you and others are caring . I'm a Councillor for the City of Cape Town who read a article in the Retreat edition of the People's Post about 13 Primary School kids who's in need of school shoe's as they were sponsored only with school cloths . Is there any way you can perhaps assist these kids . If you can assist please make contact with me on Cell 0824455370 ( Cllr Aubrey Robinson )

  9. Petro Kruger
    May 4, 2011 at 10:35 am

    Hi there, I am writing to you to ask you for assistance. We (the Lions Weltevreden) are doing a "Christmas in Winter) project. We urgently need shoes and someone told me to write to you. Please answer my e-mail and tell me what to do to try and help the 170 school kids (Rabana school Ventersdorp). Kind regards, Petro

  10. Claire
    May 8, 2011 at 10:34 am

    Hi there Dee, Thanks as always for contacting us personally about the requests from your readers. We are always pleased to hear from them. Just to let your readers know, we did indeed sponsor 18 pairs of school shoes on behalf of councillor Robinson who turned out to be an absolute gem. I will get in touch with Paul concerning the children in Ventersdorp, personally, and keep you up to date as usual. Many thanks again, Claire Alexander Bobs for Good Foundation

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