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DChetty gives thanks!

Written By: DChetty


November 23, 2011


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I started blogging a few years ago when I was inspired by ChrisM from iMod who had been doing it for a few years by then already. I was soon addicted & was later nominated for two 2009 SA Blog Awards, Best New Blog and Best Science & Technology Blog. Even though I did not win, the greatest compliment to my work that I could have had at the time, was that ChrisM had admitted that he was intimidated by my blog and saw me as a serious contender to beat him in the awards.

In 2010, again I made the final list of Best Science & Technology blogs, but only managed to snatch runner up. This year too, I have been voted as one of the Top 3 and have been invited to the awards ceremony in Cape Town next month.

I’ve often said, that I see my blog as my playground on the web where I learn about how the web works and I use it purely to experiment with things like SEO best practise and stuffs. For the last year, I’ve spent a lot of my time fine tuning. Fine tuning old articles, my blog design and SEO implementation among other things.

The rewards have finally paid off, with a consistent flow of organic traffic from search engines, my blog posts being indexed and ranked by Google within minutes of me posting new articles and an awesome rating by webgrader of 98%. :) )

While these feat was a slow and diligent one, I have to give thanks where it is due and for that, I am grateful these two guys who have helped me tremendously through the years.

Chris M: Thank you for inspiring me to start this blog. Without you as a mentor through the years, I doubt I would have had the patience to sustain this. (@ChrisM)

Jack Wheeler: Thank you for the design help & your consistent push for CSS awesomeness. Due to your niggliness & eye for detail, I now have a blog logo that I’m proud of. (@JDCWheeler)

I’m also VERY grateful for everyone who has voted for me in the SA Blog Awards and for those who have believed that my blog was good enough to even compete. Thank you!

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Dee Chetty is a South Africa- and India-educated web junkie. Focusing on strategy and new developments, Dee finds himself pushing the limits of innovation with his ideas. Dee loves open-source, mobile technologies and location-driven applications. He is an Apple fanboy & a die-hard Audi fan.

(7) Readers Comments

  1. Chris M
    November 23, 2011 at 3:44 am

    With all honesty I can say that I hope you win this year. And when you do, I hope that you transform this blog into something you use daily and really aim to take over the tech space in the blogging sense. Good luck!

  2. DChetty
    November 23, 2011 at 3:50 am

    Thanks bud! I'm up against some serious competition. Charl has put a lot of effort into Bandwidth Blog and while I would love to win, it would be an honor to come in second to him this year.

  3. Chris M
    November 23, 2011 at 3:55 am

    I've gone off the whole multi-author publishing thing, it's not really a blog anymore, that's why I'm supporting actual bloggers this year aposed to the likes of BWB and Memeburn, etc. I respect both sites and feel that they offer great content, but for the SABAs I don't think they're the correct representation. Just my opinion.

  4. @malinimoodley
    November 23, 2011 at 6:45 am


  5. Dilbert
    November 24, 2011 at 7:17 am

    Your site is not even a tech blog? Just like imod, you blog about everything and anything. There are plenty tech focused blogs that deserve to be in the top 3. Not you. Besides seems your blog is dead, all your popular posts in your widget is from 2009. Fail.

  6. Chris M
    November 24, 2011 at 7:28 am

    @Dilbert - Do you see me (iMod) running for Best Tech Blog, yes or no? I just want a yes or no, in fact, don't reply, just answer yourself and save me the trouble.

  7. DChetty
    November 24, 2011 at 7:33 am

    Thanks for your comment Dilbert. Like my post says, the last few months was focused purely on optimisation, which might not seem like much to you, but the effort employed has resulted in a very consistent increase in organic traffic. My blog, like iMod, has an array of content that fits into multiple genres, but predominantly tech. The blog style is very light as this is the type of content that acquires the most traffic and since the internet is all about traffic, I think that I am succeeding in my mission to a) Learn b) Acquire as much organic traffic as my skill set allows c) Provide entertaining content to my readers My attitude is not very competitive about my blog & if anything, I have the utmost respect for other bloggers who employ different techniques to achieve their results. The fact that these blogs did not make the Top 3, is a result of their own doing, or lack thereof. It's great to have you on my blog though & I hope that you become a regular reader. ;)

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