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How I proposed – Video – Love is…

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December 15, 2012


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Here’s the proposal video that I had made to use in a cinema as part of my proposal. It includes family & friends that have been influential in our lives the last few years. It’s the culmination of 8 months of conceptualisation, planning, traveling, filming and editing & I’m incredibly happy with the outcome.

This is how it went down:
We were on a date night & I had planned to have us go to go to a movie after dinner at a cinema called, The Bioscope, in Johannesburg. Once we were seated and the lights went off, a few movie trailers played, during which time, some very close family & friends snuck into the back 2 rows of the cinema. After the trailer, this video was played. When it was done, the lights came on, I went down on one knee & I asked her to spend forever with me. She said yes! :)

Here’s the desktop version of the video:

Here’s the mobile version of the video to use for iPads and mobile phones:


Proposal Video – Love is… from Dee Chetty on Vimeo.



This video is the product of some very hard work by 2 guys, Thiru N from Shruti Pictures and Mike Jaspan from The Film Guys. I can’t thank you guys enough for the countless hours spent traveling to each shoot & between cities, filming and the editing that went into this video. You guys have done an amazing job and it’s been an absolute pleasure working with you guys.

Richard, thank you for your patience, help sourcing the main stone and through the entire design & build process of the ring. It’s been months of work too on this & I’m really happy with the end result.

To all our family and friends that gave up their time & put aside their camera shyness to be part of this. We are blessed to have such supportive people in our lives and I’m truly appreciative of you being part of this and helping me with this project. I don’t say this often enough, “I love you guys!”

To my best friend…
Nothing excites me more than the idea of spending the rest of my life with you!  You are my happiness! :)

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About Author


Dee Chetty is a South Africa- and India-educated web junkie. Focusing on strategy and new developments, Dee finds himself pushing the limits of innovation with his ideas. Dee loves open-source, mobile technologies and location-driven applications. He is an Apple fanboy & a die-hard Audi fan.

(5) Readers Comments

  1. Chris M
    December 15, 2012 at 5:14 pm

    Sooooo unbelievably happy for you bro :-)

  2. Lee Stuttaford
    December 16, 2012 at 1:18 am

    Beautiful, well done and congrats - all the best wishes to you and your lady for the future!

  3. DChetty
    December 16, 2012 at 2:29 am

    Thanks guys! I appreciate it :)

  4. Cath
    December 17, 2012 at 2:24 am

    I cried like a kid who dropped their icecream here. Congratulations! What an amazing, incredibly thoughtful way to do this. Wishing you a lifetime of complete joy! xxx

  5. Cath
    December 17, 2012 at 2:24 am

    I cried like a kid who dropped their icecream here. Congratulations! What an amazing, incredibly thoughtful way to do this. Wishing you a lifetime of complete joy! xxx

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