Search Results | "'nandos'"

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Nando’s vs Cell C – TV Advert!

Posted on 26 November 2010 by DChetty

Nando’s is renown for brilliantly timed ads that are shameless targetted at current affairs with a sense of humour and boldness that is unchallenged in the world of advertising. This is the latest TV ad that takes a direct swing at Cell C and Trevor Noah’s “CEO” campaign and I think that its another brilliant ad by my favourite fast-food outlet. :)

See other Nando’s ads that I have posted before.

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Nando’s Ad – Paris looking for a joint!

Posted on 05 July 2010 by DChetty

Nando’s have always had witty ads and tend be super quick with their campaigns. Their latest print ad screams advertising genius and again their marketing agency, whoever they are, need to patted on the back for the brilliance of the ad.

It is based on the fact that Paris Hilton was arrested in Port Elizabeth for possession of weed while she was in the city to watch the 2010 World Cup Quarter Final game.

I recommend that you click on the image to few in full screen and view the fine text at the bottom as well.

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Nando’s Ad – Halaal!

Posted on 26 May 2009 by DChetty

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Nandos advert of Malema v1!

Posted on 25 April 2009 by DChetty


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Nando’s holla’s at Joost!

Posted on 31 March 2009 by DChetty

You have to love Nando’s ability to stay relevant with their ads!

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Another classically funny Nandos Ad!

Posted on 02 April 2008 by DChetty


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Looking on the bright side of ESKOM!

Posted on 02 April 2008 by DChetty

Load-shedding is on everyones lips nowadays along with Zimbabwe and petrol prices. With all this misfortune going on, I must admit that i have been VERY impressed at ideas that South Africans have come up with. Besides the usual Zapiro pencil sketch, I have seen tons of hilarious emails knocking these problems. Not to mention the 1000’s of hilarious Zuma emails doing the rounds!

The company that stands out most for brilliant turn arounds with their ads is Nandos. Currently running the ad of the Bafana Bafana fan kicking the ball, and his boots are too big so it ends up going in the wrong direction!

This ad below is just one of the many hilarious Nandos ads. Please watch it to the end for the punch line, you will LOVE it!


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